Who are we?


Koha Kai is an organisation who works with people who live with the challenges of disability.  We have been operating as an organisation since 2014, and during that time we have walked alongside, and learned with and from many people who have since gone on to achieve so many aspirations that they never thought they would be able to.  

Our programme has been co-designed by the people we work with and for, and our teaching resources have come from our observations and the contributions from people who have physical and neurodiverse challenges and for whom mainstream learning may not be a good fit for them.

In 2022, we are launching a new integrated teaching programme which will reflect (once again) the way our learners have shown us they want our programme to look for them.

If you or someone you know are interested in joining our teaching programme, please contact us!

We believe it is important for everyone to have “food security’ and are always seeking ways in which to enable our hapori to feel empowered by what they are able to achieve.

We continue to work alongside our community with a number of groups to ensure each person is able to access fresh vegetables from Community Gardens around not only Waihopai but Murihiku also. We believe it is important for everyone to have “food security’ and are always seeking ways in which to enable our hapori to feel empowered by what they are able to achieve.


Janice Lee

Pouārahi | Founder & C E O


Sammii Lee

Pōu Hōtaka | Training Manager

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Zara Erskine

Whānau Ora Navigator


Amber-Jade Brass

Kaiārahi | General Manager


Haiden Dempster

Kai Advisor

Ora Hitchcock

Jessica Thomson



Terry Lee

Resources Manager

Ora Hitchcock